'Reverse' Cross Cultural Training

Why 'Reverse' Cross cultural training?

In country partners on development programs need cross cultural training as much as anyone. They need dedicated leanring space to explore the issues they face in worknig with outside development practitioners - ad many have multiple donors, development workers and other outsiders to deal with as well as multicultural societies within their own country.

How does it work?

CCCID designs the best fit solution for your organisation. We can draw on our network of local facilitators throughout the Asia Pacific, partner to deliver a cross cultural team modelling good practice or build your capacity to deliver a program with your partners.

We can integrate training into face-to-face meetings so that people work together and draw out insights to improve their work. Our participatory approaches ensure constructive dialogue and work integrated learning.

What can be covered?

  1. Understanding different work values and styles
  2. Cross cultural aspects of people, project and time management
  3. Communication styles and values
  4. Gender Relations
  5. Relationship building and management
  6. Managing expectations
  7. Volunteer management
  8. Challenges and Strategies for working well across cultures
  9. Both ways learning.

Draft one-day workshop program

  • Introductions – who are we – personally and professionally
  • Expectations and program outline for the workshop
  • Culture – definining it and exploring myths about culture and how these affect our work.
  • Strengths and skills - what already works well?
  • Relationships – Expectations and communication
  • Using time and space
  • Gender Relations across cultures
  • Challenges and strategies for working together across cultures
  • Actions – what will we change as a result of today?


A comprehensive workshop handbook is tailored to the group needs including readings and references as well as exercises for both personal and group use.

Further information

Please contact us for detailed information and pricing.